5 Tips on Getting Your Brand Out There

5 Tips on Getting Your Brand Out There

In this age of fast moving technology and expanding resources, getting your company name or brand out there is easier than ever. With so many promotional opportunities you can generate interest and sales from brand awareness campaigns. Brand awareness campaigns are all about getting your business name and/or logo exposed to the right target audience. Here are some tips on how you can do this:

1. Sponsorship – sponsoring an event such as a conference, a sporting event or local community fundraisers are a wonderful way to get your brand name out there. The first thing is to choose an appropriate event for your business. Conferences are great for a wide range of industries and will provide the perfect target audience. It’s no use for a local butcher to sponsor a large conference; rather it would benefit more from a local sports match or school fundraiser. Not only will sponsorship give your brand exposure, it will bring forth a positive and generous association with your company name.

2. Loyalty campaigns – loyalty programmes reward the customers who keep coming back to your business and they work to make sure they keep coming back. Too often you see specials and discounts for new customers but nothing offered to the people who have made your business a success. Treating loyal customer well will make them feel valued and increase word of mouth advertising.

3. Promotional Products – promotional products can be an extremely cost effective way to create brand awareness. Promotional items are a one off investment. If you choose your item well, you can ensure daily and long-term exposure. Simple things like pens and bags will ensure that your brand is seen by your customer or potential customer on an every day basis because these items are things we use every day. Investing in high quality and slightly more expensive items such as hats, clothing and umbrellas will work towards promoting your brand on a long term basis as the wearer will hold on these items for a long time and use them throughout the year.

4. Social networking – social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are the latest way that businesses reach their target markets. By working with experts in the field you can make sure the right people are seeing your brand name when they browse online. Social networking can be a very specific and effective of getting your brand out there.

5. Press Releases – press releases can be a cost effective way to get your brand out there. Clever manipulation with social or newsworthy topics can feature in local or national newspapers and magazines. If you don’t have the resources to write a press release in house, there are many freelance and public relations companies who specialise in this kind of writing. Aside from the cost of writing the article, press releases are free exposure. Costing much less than advertisement in the same publication and working on more subtle level, a press release will most certainly get the attention of your local or national reader.

Whether you choose to invest in a promotional product, loyalty campaigns or social networking, there are many cost effective ways to get your brand name out there.